about the OCCOG TAC
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for the Orange County Council of Governments is comprised of representatives, mainly planning staff, from each member agency. The OCCOG TAC is chaired by Justin Equina of the City of Irvine, and meets monthly to discuss policy issues of regional significance.
the purpose of the OCCOG TAC
The TAC analyzes planning documents prepared as part of the Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategies (RTP/SCS) updates, Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), and Air Quality Management Plans (AQMP). Additionally, the TAC provides oversight for OCCOG-funded and managed projects such as the Orange County Complete Streets Initiative and the Orange County Aerial Imagery Consortium. Finally, the TAC serves as a forum and resource for the planning staff of OCCOG’s member agencies to discuss regionally-signficant issues and share best practices for addressing issues that impact member agencies.
TAC members
The TAC is made up of representatives from each OCCOG member jurisdiction.
Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Jennifer Savage, City of Laguna Beach